So here's the secret of the Green Hornet: it's all about Kato.
(He's the one with the gun)
It's not a brilliant film, and there's not much to say that it's a Gondry affair but Kato basically gets to pull fine ninja moves all over L.A. and that's okay with me. Seth Rogan - who I adore, damn it - is himself, only slightly punchier and totally upstaged by his chauffeur x genius mechanic x barista x partner in crime. It does have its moments though, like a fight scene in the heart of Reid's inherited empire amongst huge bolts of paper and production lines of newsprint, and the faintly 1940s gangster style suits they sport aren't too shabby either. Not to mention the tricked out Black Beauty which is a truly envy-making car for a girl who grew up on James Bond.
Added bonus: Cameron Diaz playing the lone female character with a name. Not only that, she's kind of great - smart and feisty with a low tolerance for childish men. Even better, she's not reduced to a romantic foil (as in SPOILER doesn't have to make out with anyone). Plus there's the first sighting I've had of Edward Furlong in a very long time and a James Franco cameo which goes to prove the dude is in every piece of celluloid this year.